About Rey

Reymay Consulting
Rey is retired from the Novato Unified School District and as Principal of Novato High School as of June 30, 2014.
As of January 2015 I will be available on a temporary contract for interim and/or consulting work. Depending on an agreement or contract, I am able to work during the school year, nationally and internationally.
The following bio is current:
Rey A. Mayoral has played an active and pivotal role in the field of education for over thirty seven years as an administrator, teacher, and bilingual cross-cultural specialist.
Rey was born in Los Angeles in East Los Angeles. He attended Los Angeles Public Schools and graduated from Garfield High School. Rey attended East Los Angeles Community College, received a scholarship to attend California State Polytechnic University at Pomona. He errand his Bachelors of Science and his Master’s in Education both from Cal Poly. He possesses a Bilingual-Cross Cultural Specialist credential and an Administrative Services credential which he received from Pepperdine University. He began teaching in East Los Angeles at Belvedere and Stevenson Middle Schools.
Rey taught for five years before becoming the Dean of Discipline and Athletic Director at Garfield High in 1981. During that period, he worked with Jaime Escalante and participated in the transformation of a school known for its gangs and violence into a school of academic achievement. Some of you may remember the movie, "Stand and Deliver."
Rey became the Assistant Principal of San Pedro High School in Los Angeles in 1985 and was selected as the principal in 1994.
In 1995 Rey was recruited to Oregon as a principal. He was also selected to serve on the Governor’s Juvenile Crime Prevention Task Force and was the chairman for the Ad Hoc committee on school violence. During Rey’s tenure, he helped transform a high school from violence to one of high academic performance. When he arrived, there were approximately 40 students in advanced placement courses. By the time Rey left, there were 450 students in 19 sections of advanced placement courses. The school became a safe, productive learning environment. Rey was instrumental in advancing technology in the school and developing programs for minority students. Rey is a strong supporter of the Arts and was instrumental in the many successes of a performing arts program that was competitive at the state level in band, choir, and orchestra.
Additionally, he was a member of the Oregon Commission on Children and Families and of the Northwest Laboratory’s own School Improvement Advisory Committee. He also represented the Northwest Regional Education Laboratory as an Executive Board Member, along with the Governor’s School Transformation Committee.
After leaving Oregon, Rey worked in the Sacramento City Unified School District at McClatchy High School. He developed a master schedule for 2500 students clustered into small learning communities based on student interest and aptitude. He worked to increase the number of AP and honors classes with an emphasis on recruiting and retaining minority students.
Most recently (Retired) the principal of Novato High School in California, Rey Mayoral has been a leader in school change for over ten years. His leadership has transformed a traditional high school into an innovative learning institution that boasts rigorous academic and performing arts curriculum, along with a comprehensive sports program.
For nearly a decade, Mayoral has provided the leadership for positive change that has been a constant throughout his career. At Novato High School, as in his other schools, Mayoral has increased the number of Advance Placement (AP) and Honors classes, while eliminating restrictions that reduce the numbers of students able to take these challenging courses. It is no surprise that Novato High School, under the leadership of Mayoral, for the first time exceeded the California state target of 800 API, and has continued to do so since 2010. He supervised and coordinated the creation of new and innovative programs and facilities, such as an award-winning broadcast studio. He oversaw the resurgence and expansion of the ROTC program, including the new facility and the redesign and renovation of the music and art facilities. Rey was responsible for the reinstatement, development and expansion of the AVID program, the creation and design of the College and Career Center, the development and creation of the after school tutorial program and the renovation of classrooms, which included advanced technology equipment. Rey worked collaboratively with the school, district and community to oversee the development of the multi-award winning Marin School of the Arts magnet academy that saw an increase in enrollment from 90 to 470 students. In addition, MSA has been recognized by received awards such as the U.S. Congressional Art Show Grand Prize, Ohlone Drama Festival Sweepstakes’ Winner, Bob Smart Dram Festival 1st Place, Presidential Scholars Program winners, Folsom Jazz Festival Frist Place, Fist Place Command Performance Finalist at the Reno Jazz Festival.
His commitment to academics is evidenced by the creation of the NHS Academic Boosters which is responsible for the successful after school tutorial program, academic recognition awards program and the development of student support programs.
Under his leadership, and with his consistent vision for a safe, high quality school, Rey has implemented strategies that have led to a decrease in student tardies, suspensions and expulsions, and an increase in academic performance. Rey, working with staff, parents and students, led the change from a traditional FIFTY- minute period schedule to a modified block schedule allowing for the creation of Professional Learning Communities for the first time at Novato High. Along the way, Rey led Novato High School to two successful WASC Accreditations. With a dramatic decrease in discipline, academic performance has reached new highs with an API reaching 817 for the 2012 school year.
Rey Mayoral has been honored for his work in eliminating gang influence and gang activities, while creating a safe and positive learning environment for all students. His bilingual English/Spanish skills, combined with his cultural heritage, helped him establish a strong ELAC program, while creating a parent outreach program for the all Latino parents. Rey instituted policies to create support programs for all students with a GPA of under a 2.0. This program improved academic achievement by involving parents in the process.
With a core belief that all students can learn, Rey has provided a shared school-wide philosophy that all students can attend the college. Graduating seniors during his tenure at Novato High School have steadily received more scholarships and awards from one million dollars to last year’s senior 2012 awarded over four million dollars in scholarships.
Rey Mayoral began his career as a teacher in the mid-1970s and served as the Athletic Director, Dean of Students, Assistant Principal or Principal of several high schools in Los Angeles Unified School District from 1976 to 1995. He began his current position as Principal of Novato High School in Novato, California in July of 2005.
Over the past nineteen years as a high school principal, Rey has mentored and trained twenty four assistant, principals many of whom have gone on to jobs as principals or district office leaders, as well as superintendents.
Currently, and as of retirement Rey has worked at Marin County Office Of Education as a interim Northern California Career Pathways Initiative Project Consultant, San Rafael City Schools Athletic Task Force Facilitator, COVID Coordinator, Interim Principal and Assistant Principal at San Rafael HS, Terra Linda HS, Colman Elementary, Venetia Valley Elementary, San Pedro Elementary, and Davidson Middle School. In the Novato Unified School District, Rey has served as the Assistant Principal at Hamilton Elementary.
Honoring Rey Mayoral, Novato High School Principal
Mark Peabody, Novato High School Assistant Principal, Retired
Posted Fri, May 16, 2014 at 10:08 am NOVATO ADVANCE
Personally speaking, Rey gave me the opportunity to become an administrator. Breaking in to administration is tough. There are very few administration jobs and the ones that are available usually require experience that you can't get because you need experience to get a job. Rey recognized qualities in me that he thought would make me a good member of the Novato High "A Team" as we called it or (Administrative Team).
Being on Rey's A Team was something unique. Rey has a philosophy about how the team conducts themselves and there were rules like: We always watch each other back by working as a team; go to Rey first with a problem or concern so we all share the same information and have a plan, if we are speaking about an issue- speak with one voice, do whatever it takes to support the school, everyone on the A Team has an important part of the leadership responsibilities, do your job well, and be willing to make a personal sacrifice for the betterment of the school. Most schools have leadership teams but Rey's unique vision made everybody on the administrative team an important part of the leadership structure and in so doing made us true leaders.
After becoming an administrator, I realized that many people didn't understand the unusual skills that I believe make Rey not a good but a great Principal. Rey has an uncanny ability to make the difficult look easy in fact it can look so easy that he can be misjudged as not working hard enough. But the truth is that Rey's style of leadership is that responsibilities are shared by the A Team, teacher leaders, and parents. This in turn led us all to be more involved because we were valued and treated as a valuable part of the school.
Most people think that a Principal should "act educated," (use complex words, talk the curricular language, and be able to discourse about the future of education.) While Rey certainly can do this, his leadership style comes from a different place. Rey truly likes people and gets along well with people. He likes the students, the teachers, the staff, the cafeteria people, the parents and of course the kids. He likes, the athletes, the academics, the troubled, the lost, the successful and the confused students (He likes them all.) Because of his congenial nature, he is able to build meaningful relationships that transcend the job of education and instead create an educational community. Most people recognize that one of the big problems with a large school is that it can be impersonal and seemingly isolated. Rey's friendly and down to earth style created a true community where Novato High become not a school but our school where anyone could come in and share their concerns; and we were all proud of it.
It is important to understand that education works best when students and parents see the school not as an institution but part of their community. It builds pride, involvement and a sense that we all have a voice. Rey was able to this directly through his leadership.
Another, in my opinion, overlooked quality of Rey's has to do with Novato High School's steady success and improvement. Many people looking at what was accomplished at the school in terms of STAR Test improvement, the development of MSA, ROTC, expansion and development of new A.P. and Honors classes, the growth of the AVID program, the creation of the design and product academy, after school student support, improved college acceptances, higher GPA's, and markedly increased college scholarships and seem to fill that these were all the result of uncanny coincidences and the work of individuals. The reality is that Rey directly and strongly supported programs that allowed students to be more successful. Rey recognized that MSA students were not only achieving artistic success, they were also bringing strong academic achievement, creativity and a dedication to the school. His support and unquestioned belief in MSA was crucial to the programs success and growth. Rey also recognized that ROTC was not just a military program but a valuable support network for a whole segment of the school population that had been overlooked. ROTC students' academic improvement was one of the reasons why Novato High improved STAR scores. He did the same thing for the AVID, A.P. and Honors Program. People might say that "well, the teachers did the work" and they would be right but they might not be aware that it was Rey, who approved the name change of the "Lecture Hall" to the Performing Arts Center and converted it from a weight room to a theater so arts students had a place other than the "Old Gym" to showcase their talents. It was Rey who gave the old Marin Oaks wing to ROTC so they would have the space to create a classroom, learning center and base of operations. It was Rey who came to Novato High with the belief that all students should be able to take A.P. classes if they were willing to take the challenge. He often meets personally with students to discuss the risks and rewards resulting in a huge increase in students taking A.P. and Honors classes.
Another of Rey's overlooked skills is that he knows how to diffuse a crisis before it explodes. Novato High School had several crises including untimely student deaths and racial tensions. Some people may remember several years back when students around the state walked out of school to protest against state anti-immigration policies. Although students walked out of several Novato schools, none walked out of Novato. Part of that was because our students trust Mr. Mayoral and believe that he supports them. The other reason is that Rey was standing out in front of the school and directly confronted the students who were trying to leave and sent them back to class.
From day one at the school Rey Mayoral always believed that one of the most important parts of school leadership was having a safe school. Rey backed that up with a firm and consistent policy of zero tolerance for fighting, hazing, bullying or harassment. At the start of each school year, Rey speaks to the entire student body and says in no uncertain terms, "If you are in a gang, I don't want you here and I'll do everything in my power to get you out if you don't follow school rules." Rey gave a similar speech about drugs and alcohol on campus. It sounds harsh but students got the message and fighting and gang related activities were radically reduced making the Novato High a very safe campus.
From day one, Rey made it clear that he doesn't like a bad looking campus. He wants it neat, groomed and attractive. Within a couple of years of his administration the brown lawns and dead trees were replaced with green spaces often planted with now 30 foot tall oaks. Rey spearheaded the creation of attractive courtyards with benches. Where formerly no students went, they now eat lunch daily. It was under Rey's school beautification leadership that the landscaping of the front of the school was done with the help of the PTSA and the students and teachers of the ROTC.
As an administrator, I know that Rey also has the courage to do the hard part of the job. He has the strength to stand up to an out of line parent when are insulting or threatening staff members, he is not afraid have that tough talk (and I mean tough) with teachers that were not fulfilling their job duties, and although sensitive to students would directly confront students who violated the most serious school rules.
In a month Rey Mayoral will retire after 10 years of success as Principal of Novato High School and 10 years of success for Novato High School. Take the opportunity to thank him for the job he did transitioning Novato High School into the new century and turning it into the exemplary school that the entire community is proud.
Mark Peabody
Retired Assistant Principal of Novato High School and Director of Marin School of the Art
References are available upon request.